As part of its commitment to recycling and reducing its impact on the environment, Woodlands Dairy is due to install reverse vending machines (RVMs) in St Francis.
According to marketing executive at Woodlands Dairy, Marisa Maccaferri, consumers will be able to return empty containers, such as milk cartons, for recycling and receive a small reward which can be accrued in an in–app e–wallet.
“Woodlands Dairy understands its responsibility as a producer and distributor of packaged goods. Consumers want to do the same but it’s often very difficult and facilities are not readily available,” Maccaferri said.
She added that the company is assisting in the protection of the environment and giving other businesses the opportunity to reprocess the recycled materials into new products.
“We’re providing a solution which is simple and easy to use, and at the same time helps change consumer habits:
“By reducing the amount of waste that makes its way to landfills.”
Maccaferri further added that recycling is of enormous importance, “We all consume and need to do so responsibly and mindfully.”
We must understand that we have a direct impact on our environment and the future of the planet.
“Recycling reduces water pollution, protects ecosystems and wildlife, creates job opportunities, and reduces waste as well as carbon emissions.
“Recycling helps save energy and reduces the depletion of natural resources.”
Besides the satisfaction of having done your part to protect the environment and the future of the planet, a small monetary reward is given based on the type of material recycled and what it can be sold for in your particular region.
“This value is accrued in an e-wallet on the Imagined Earth app, which can be used to redeem airtime for instance. The whole process is fun and engaging and helps create a culture of recycling,” Maccaferri said.
The RVMs in both Boksburg and Jeffreys Bay have been hugely successful, with consumers getting used to the functionality and into the habit of recycling when they come to these stores.
“In only three months at these two sites, we’ve received 12 000 units or 600kg of recycled material, which equated to around 1 500 transactions.”
With the new RVM in St Francis, Maccaferri said they aim at monitoring the machine more closely, learning more about consumers and their habits and strengthening their relationship with the local community.
“Woodlands is in the heart of the Kouga region in the Eastern Cape, one of the biggest dairy producing regions in South Africa.
“We have a huge commitment and responsibility to the area and all who reside in it.”
All different types of packs from different brands are accepted, so anyone can bring their recycling and do their part for the environment.
“We want to rally individuals and communities to do their part in safeguarding our beautiful environment by recycling responsibly and supporting brands that are focused on sustainability and promote recycling. RVMs are a game changing solution as all parties involved, benefit.
“It’s a win-win!” Maccaferri concluded.
The biggest business, economic and market news of the day, by Fin24 deputy editor, Ahmed Areff.
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